Featured Flower

Featured Flower

Lavandula, Celosia Cristata, Cosmos Bipinnatus, and Galsang

Family: Lamiaceae

Salvia SplendensCommon Name: Scarlet Sage

The entire plant serves as a valuable herbal remedy. It has properties such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, stanch etc.
The nectar-rich flowers of Salvia Splendens is a big attraction for hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.
It can withstand moderate levels of air pollution.
Symbolic meaning: happy and prosperous

Salvia FarinaceaCommon Name: Mealycup Sage

Dried leaves adds taste in soups/meats, fresh ones spice up salads/Western dishes. Flowers for tea.
Salvia Farinacea’s nectar-rich blossoms allure hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees.
It is pretty drought-tolerant once established.
Symbolic meaning: longevity and good health

Family: Asteraceae

Cosmos Sulphureus Poker size card

Cosmos SulphureusCommon Name: Sulphur Cosmos

Typically in shades of yellow to orange.
Rapid Growth + Natural Self-Seeding = an abundance of Flowers. Easy to grow from seed, needs little to no maintenance.
Natural dye that imparts lovely yellow and orange hues to various materials(i.e., fabric, yarn, paper etc.)
Symbolic meaning: Order and Harmony(all cosmos), Friendship
Cosmos Sulphureus

Callistephus ChinensisCommon Name: China Aster

It is native to China.
Double bloom is a special type that have a fuller and more luxurious appearance(with multiple layers of petals, pom-pom or peony-like appearance) compared to their single-petaled counterparts.
With its fibrous root system, it contributes to soil stability and minimizes the erosion risk on slopes.
Symbolic meaning: Love, Faith & Wisdom
Callistephus Chinensis poker size card